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Cyclone and Floods - Sector Resources and Support

Our thoughts go out to all those in our RANZ Member community and wider networks across NZ that have been affected by cyclone and flooding events. Kia kaha.

We are standing with you now and into the future rebuild efforts.

If you need help and support from the RANZ Member network, please contact us and let us know. If you have help and support to offer from the RANZ Member network, likewise please contact us and let us know.

Please find below a range of existing supports and sector resources that may be helpful for individual or business circumstances, or customer advisory support. We'll look to update this regularly as needed:

Resuming work:

  • Risk and safe work guidance with flood remediation (from CHASNZ, Construction Accord and MATES) - see here 
  • Worksafe guidance on impacted emergency and recovery works - see here 
  • Building performance (MBIE) - remediation, repairs, and urgent work - see here
  • Building Management procedures before and after an emergency from MBIE - on building assessments and obligations and MBIE's role, with further information and resource links - see here 
  • Contractual guidance with severe weather event impacts from the Construction Accord - see here
  • MATES in Construction helpline and team posters, toolbox talks and guidance - see here
  • RANZ Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) with InStep - see here
  • Restoring a home after flood damage BRANZ Bulletin - see here
  • Contaminated waste disposal - Construction Sector Accord on disposing of flood-impacted waste - see here, and click 'waste'
  • New Zealand Claims Resolution Service - see here
  • Immigration recovery visa - for building and supply recovery efforts - see here

With a lot of pressures on people, remember to keep calm, take good care of yourselves and your teams and pace yourselves as needed with remedial work demands; breathe, keep calm, safety first, and manage the manageable. 


 Customer advisory/direct impact information and support: 


Contact us for further support options.  

Not yet a RANZ Member? To support the work of RANZ and for further support, education, guidance and more, click here